The Lullaby of the Cosmic Cradle - Where Stars Are Born and Dreams Take Flight - Poem Lyrics in English


The Lullaby of the Cosmic Cradle - Where Stars Are Born and Dreams Take Flight - Poem Lyrics in English

In the cosmic cradle, where silence weaves,

The lullaby of the stars, in the vast expanse it breathes.

A celestial melody, a timeless delight,

Where stars are born, and dreams take flight.

Nebulas dance in a cosmic ballet,

As galaxies twirl in the Milky Way.

The cradle rocks with a gentle sway,

A cosmic lullaby that carries us away.

Moonbeams cradle wishes, like a tender embrace,

In the cosmic cradle, where time and space erase.

The stardust whispers, a lullaby so sweet,

As constellations form, a celestial feat.

In the cradle of creation, where galaxies sing,

The lullaby of the cosmos, like a golden wing.

Starlight quilts blanket the eternal night,

Where dreams awaken, in the soft twilight.

The Lullaby of the Cosmic Cradle - Where Stars Are Born and Dreams Take Flight - Poem Lyrics in English
The Lullaby of the Cosmic Cradle - Where Stars Are Born and Dreams Take Flight - Poem Lyrics in English

Planets pirouette in the celestial dance,

As comets streak by, leaving a sparkling trance.

The cosmic cradle, where wonder takes hold,

In the lullaby of the stars, stories unfold.

So close your eyes, let the universe guide,

In the cradle of cosmos, where dreams abide.

The lullaby echoes through the infinite height,

Where stars are born, and dreams ignite.

In the cosmic cradle, where stars are born,

And dreams take flight from dusk till morn.

A lullaby whispers through the void,

In melodies of galaxies deployed.

Nebulas dance in cosmic ballet,

As stardust weaves its celestial array.

In this vast expanse, where time unfurls,

Eternal lullabies enchant the worlds.

Each twinkle in the night's embrace,

A reminder of wonder, a vision of grace.

The cradle rocks with gentle sway,

As galaxies spin in cosmic display.

Dreams take flight on cosmic wings,

As the universe hums and sings.

In the cradle of stars, where wonders abound,

Infinite possibilities are found.

So close your eyes and drift away,

To the lullaby of the cosmic bay.

Where stars are born and dreams ignite,

In the cradle of the cosmic night.

In the cosmic cradle, where galaxies twirl,

A lullaby whispers, a celestial swirl.

Stars are born in a dance of light,

Dreams take flight in the deep of night.

Nebulas weave a tapestry grand,

In the vast expanse where wonders expand.

In the cradle of creation, where time bends,

Imagination reigns, and reality blends.

The melody echoes through space and time,

A symphony of stardust, sublime.

In the cosmic lullaby's gentle embrace,

We find solace, we find grace.

From the birth of galaxies to the Milky Way's glow,

The lullaby sings, a cosmic flow.

With each note, a new universe unfurls,

In the cradle of creation, where eternity swirls.

So let us drift on the cosmic tide,

Where dreams and stars coincide.

In the lullaby of the cosmic cradle's embrace,

We find wonder, we find endless space.

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